15 Reasons to Go Solar with Battery Backup

Energy independence: With a solar and battery system, you can generate and store your own electricity, which means you are not reliant on the grid.

The need for energy independence.

Lower electricity bills: By generating your own electricity, you can reduce or eliminate your dependence on the grid and lower your electricity bills.

Environmental benefits: Solar power is a clean, renewable source of energy, and using it reduces your carbon footprint.

Energy security: With a battery backup system, you can have access to electricity during power outages, which can be particularly important in areas prone to natural disasters.

Increased home value: Homes with solar and battery systems are generally more attractive to buyers, and can increase the value of your home.

Tax incentives: In many areas, there are tax incentives available for installing solar and battery systems.

Reduced grid stress: By generating your own electricity, you can reduce the strain on the grid, which can help prevent blackouts and brownouts.

Read about the duck curve and its stress on the grid.

Energy storage: With a battery backup system, you can store excess energy generated by your solar panels, which can be used later when the sun is not shining.

Sonnen Battery

Reduced peak demand charges: Some utilities charge higher rates during peak demand periods, but with a battery backup system, you can avoid these charges by using stored energy during these times.

Reduced carbon emissions: Generating your own electricity with solar power reduces your reliance on fossil fuels, which in turn reduces your carbon emissions.

Long lifespan: Solar panels and battery backup systems have a long lifespan, which means you can enjoy the benefits of your investment for many years.

Minimal maintenance: Solar panels and battery systems require little maintenance, which means you can save money and time over the long term.

Increased energy efficiency: By generating and storing your own electricity, you can become more energy efficient, which can help reduce your overall energy consumption.

Reduced noise pollution: Solar panels and battery backup systems operate quietly, which means you can reduce noise pollution in your neighborhood.

Positive impact on the community: By generating clean, renewable energy, you can have a positive impact on your community and help promote a more sustainable future.